Privacy Policy

This section will help you to understand how I use the information you provide to me.

  • Collection of Information: I can col­lect per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able in­for­ma­tion, like names, postal ad­dresses, email ad­dresses, etc., when vol­un­tar­ily sub­mit­ted by my vis­i­tors. This in­for­ma­tion is only used to ful­fill your spe­cific re­quest, un­less you give me per­mis­sion to use it in an­other man­ner. I never share any in­for­ma­tion with third par­ties, un­less re­quired by the law.
  • Cookies: To sup­port your pri­vacy, this web­site doesn’t use any cook­ies. Third party ser­vices used by the web­site, such as Dis­qus for com­ments and the Google+ but­ton, may use their own cook­ies, how­ever, to ful­fill your spe­cific re­quests.
  • Freedom to Terminate: You always have the opportunity to select whether or not to continue to receive any of our communications.
  • Change: I re­serve the right to make changes to this pol­icy as needed.
  • Amazon Associates Program: This web­site is a par­tic­i­pant in the Ama­zon Ser­vices LLC As­so­ci­ates Pro­gram. This means, in par­tic­u­lar, that if you fol­low a link to or any other na­tional ver­sion of Ama­zon web­site and then make a pur­chase within 24 hours, I will re­ceive a small per­cent­age of what you pay to Ama­zon (but your price will stay ex­actly the same).
  • Honesty: I never link to spe­cific prod­ucts just in or­der to ad­ver­tize them. I link only to the prod­ucts that I gen­uinely find help­ful and the web­sites link­ing to such prod­ucts ex­press my hon­est opin­ion on the prod­ucts. In other words, I never rec­om­mend a prod­uct just in or­der to per­suade you to buy it; I rec­om­mend it be­cause I my­self find it use­ful.
  • Opinions: Opinions and information on this site are not intended to replace the advice of your primary health care provider. Please enjoy responsibly!
  • Pictures, Images, and Graphics: All graphics and images are property of unless otherwise noted. I always try to give credit where credit is due. If you find a picture on the site and you’d rather it not be here, just let me know and I’ll remove it!