Resource Guide

Use these flashcards and videos to easily teach your child to read at a young age! Start with the ABCs, then add in first words, and after that follow my steps to teach the more complex sounds of our English language. Read my blog: Teach Your Baby to Read for more information or Teach Your Toddler to Read for tips and trick. I also have a comprehensive video to walk you through the steps to teach your child to read.

ABC Flashcards

These ABC flashcards come in a variety of sizes and styles to give you plenty of options to choose from. Click the links below for free digital downloads.

Vocabulary Flashcards

These vocabulary flashcards will teach first words, colors, numbers, and shapes which will help lay the foundation for learning how to read. Click the links below for free digital downloads.

Word Families Flashcards

Sounding out three letter words with a rhyming pattern is a great way to lay the foundation for reading fluency. Click the links below for free digital downloads.

More Complex Sounds Flashcards

These flashcards will help teach the remaining 44 phonemes (individual sounds) from the English language. Click the links below for free digital downloads.


These videos accompany the flashcards using colorful animations, vocabulary, and captions. Click the links below to find my videos on YouTube.

Traditional Handwriting

With these traditional flashcards, children will learn how to start at the top for most letters.

Easy Handwriting

Easy handwriting letters have the fewest pencil pick ups and typically start at the bottom of the letter.

Vocabulary Handwriting

These vocabulary sheets cover colors, numbers, and shapes with two different levels.

Math Resources

These resources will help students learn their math facts which will pave the way for strong number sense and a deep understanding of arithmetic.

Monster Art Dice Game

Check out my blog: A Monster Art Project for directions and extension ideas for this activity.