8 Things I’ve Learned from Being a Grandma
By Guest Blogger: Diane Napierkowski
There’s a disconnect with being a grandparent compared to being a parent. As a grandparent, you don’t see the children every day, you don’t wipe their noses, fix their hurts, etc. As a parent, I thought my heart was full, but when I became a grandparent, it grew even more. There is never a limit to the capacity of your heart. My grandchildren continuously surprise me and melt my heart when I least expect it.
- Grandchildren CRAVE your love. They need you, their hearts long for you, and it touches you so deeply. Their love is 100% genuine.
- Grandchildren grow up fast. The moments you have with them are finite, and you only see them now and then. The moments you have together are special, but there are so many special ones that you miss along the way. Realize that life is a short journey in which your lives overlap for a time.
- Grandparents get to fill in the spots instead of covering all bases. As a parent, everything must be in balance, but as a grandparent, you can be ridiculous! You can buy them a crazy toy that they might not even like, splurge on ice cream before dinner, and let them stay up way past bedtime during an overnight knowing that these things are the exceptions, not the rules.
- There are still many things that are the same as when you raised your own children! Don’t be intimidated by new technology, and remember that hugs and kisses still pack a 100% punch.
- Your kids are still your kids. See your children as little again. Pick up the pieces and give your own children the things you forgot to give them or the things you were too busy to see way back when. Realize that your children are reliving their childhoods through their children. Grandchildren are a medium for any healing that needs to occur.
- Be HONEST! Be painfully honest. Show your true self and cleanse your heart with them. Be authentic. Deepen their hearts with the gift of who you really are.
- Be vulnerable. Open up your heart, admit your faults, and let them see your flaws. Grandchildren are the most forgiving.
- Encourage your grandchildren to love their nuclear family. Let them be refreshed and empowered by them. Strengthen and support their love for their parents and siblings.
Life is a journey, not a destination. You never arrive, but grandchildren are the Grand Canyons, the Yosemites, and the geysers of Yellowstone along the way.

Grandma Di with Elliot and Ruby
Author Bio: Diane is a mother of five who home schooled her children and is passionate about learning, teaching, seeking the truth, living a healthy lifestyle, and spending time with her family. When not working as a Quality Engineer, she can be found supporting her husband in their family run fundraising business at Great Lakes Promotions.
Oh this is so special and such deep reflections about being a grandparent. I love the parts about healing. Thank you for sharing. It brought a tear to my heart and eyes. Love to you.
I thought it was really sweet too. Very heartfelt words that I will cherish and remember always.
Oh thank you for your comments I’m so happy that honesty resonates with you both