Reflections on a Homeschool Journey from 1987
By Guest Blogger: Diane Napierkowski
Written December 1987
Homeschooling Pros
- No peer pressure (parent pressure instead)
- Able to get along with all ages
- **More of our values
- Already I feel ostracized at Bushnell
- *Very much a family
- Enjoying these years instead of enduring these years
- *New nicer friends, friends who respect religious conviction
- Easier vacations
- More respect from kids
- *Kids get to be kids
- No Christmas compromise
- *No Rock ‘n Roll on the bus
- Less busy work
- Less sickness
- *Sickness won’t interfere with school
- *Twins won’t miss the big kids
- Won’t feel that someone else has control of our children
- Less $ spent on clothes
- Lots of fun!
- *Field trips
- **More excitement about parenting
- Next kids esp.
Cons of Homeschooling
- **Can I do it
- **Can I do it well
- *Less kids to play with
- Ostracized by teachers if they return
- Expensive
- *No free time
- *Hassles with family and friends
- *Maybe new friends won’t like our religion
- *Lunch-time and $
- *Learning well already
- Court case
- Brethren reject
- Less stylish clothes
- Dad added: ***Is it the best use of our time, that is using the government (?) for the good it does and then adding our own good
- May fear telling world about our religion
Homeschooling Pros and Cons Original List
The Decision to Homeschool
When I was in the middle of 2nd grade and Jarrod was in the middle of 1st, they pulled us out of public school to homeschool us. I ended up going back to public school in the 8th grade, my brother Jarrod went back in the 11th grade, and my three younger siblings, Andrea, Lisa, and David were homeschooled K-12.
More than anything, being homeschooled allowed us to follow our own passions. Sure we did our workbooks and mastered the necessary skills, but the majority of our days were spent engaged in creative and imaginative play, exploring nature, and pursuing our own interests.

Family Photo 1988: Stacey, Rich, Jarrod, Andrea, Lisa, Diane, and David
First Day of Homeschool: Jan 4, 1988
Wow! Was it scary! “Is the school going to call? What will the neighbors say? Russ? Mom? Can I do it? Do I want to?” I needed encouragement today. But Barb Welch is in California for the refresher. Rich calmed me down markedly yesterday afternoon. “Remember why we decided on this, Di? It was for good, sound reasons, well thought out. We have legal protection, etc.” I needed to be reminded of all of that. We worked hard and long. Flash cards, work books, 2 pages each book minimum. School zone book 1 pg. Jarrod. Stacey and Jarrod spelling words.

First Day of Homeschool
First Year of Homeschool: June, 1989
What about the cons? Yes, I can do it and do it very well! There are fewer children to play with, but it’s really special when they do come over. No problem with being ostracized if they return. The money is well spent and fun to spend! I have plenty of free time – they help out with the baby, twins, etc. Good kids. No hassles from family and friends. Very minor occasionally, but it doesn’t bother me. Money and time spent on lunch is no big deal. TV is no problem. Just hard, fast rules with few exceptions on TV and Atari. They are learning well now. Brethren don’t reject much. The kids do wear less stylish clothes. It is definitely the best use of our time. Our short comings surpass their strong points. Our religion just is. It’s not like we’re so different anymore.
What about the pros? 75% peer pressure gone. Definitely can blend in with all ages well. More of our values. No tug of war with school over whose kids they are (values, etc.) It is fun! We are very much a family. We are definitely enjoying these years. Jennifer Metskar – new good friend. Not many more. Kids are more respectful, polite. They are socializing and want to be cool still. Holidays don’t phase us at all. No bus ride. No busy work. Still get sick. Twins love them. No fear AT ALL that someone’s taking my kids away. LESS $ spent on clothes. Lots of fun. We need more field trips – Lansing, etc. Parenting is natural, what it was meant to be.

Family Photo 1989: Rich, Diane, David, Stacey, Jarrod, Andrea, and Lisa
Homeschooling Goals for 1989-1991
- Play the piano
- Speak Spanish
- Know all the countries, US States, capitals
- Know the presidents
- Do real well in math and enjoy it
- Read avidly
- Be into Church literature – studies, etc.
- Be able to write stories (interesting), reports, letters
- Get exercise, ride unicycle, water ski, snow ski
- Be interested and self-motivated in science
- Be very comfortable on computers
- Type

Family Photo 1990: Diane, Rich, Stacey, Jarrod, David, Andrea, and Lisa

Family Photo 1991: Rich, Diane, Stacey, Jarrod, David, Lisa, and Andrea
Stacey Wants to Go Back to Public School (8th Grade): July 31, 1993
Pros of Going Back to Public School:
- She wants to
- More variety of involvement and education (pottery, woodshop, reports, sports, etc.)
- Makes high school easier
- More people
- Easier to learn
- Have a change to excel
Cons of Going Back to Public School:
- Fear that she’ll go over the deep end (common sense, though, says she won’t)
- Less free time
- Mandatory learning
- Not home until after 3
- No sleeping in or up late
- No after school sports
- There are gangs
- Lots of hallway kissing
- Age in which most girls have sex

Family Photo 1992: Diane, Rich, Stacey, Andrea, Lisa, David, and Jarrod

Family Photo 1993: Jarrod, Stacey, Andrea, Rich, Diane, Lisa, and David

Family Photo 1994: Jarrod, Stacey, David, Rich, Diane, Lisa, and Andrea
Update: Jan 25, 1995
Stacey’s in school – She has gotten into a “cool” attitude – disrespectful.

Family Photo 1995: Stacey, Jarrod, David, Rich, Diane, Lisa, and Andrea

Family Photo 1996: David, Lisa, Rich, Jarrod, Diane, Stacey, and Andrea

Family Photo 1997

Family Photo 1998

Family Photo 1999

Family Photo 2000

Family Photo 2001

Family Photo 2002

Family Photo 2003

Family Photo 2004

Family Photo 2005: Stacey and Scott’s Wedding
Update: Jan. 20, 2015
Stacey is considering homeschooling! I’m typing this up for her!! She’s a precious friend who uplifts me.
In Conclusion
So many of my young friends are asking me about my homeschool journey. It is so wonderful to see another generation of homeschool parents who are asking the same questions that I did. As time goes by, I feel even more happy about our decision to homeschool. A few doubts such as my inability to teach footnotes used to make me feel like a loser. Now I see that the greatest gift I could give my kids was to remove obstacles from them finding their own true norths. I think they each have.
Author Bio: Diane is a mother of five who home schooled her children and is passionate about learning, teaching, seeking the truth, living a healthy lifestyle, and spending time with her family. When not working as a Quality Engineer, she can be found supporting her husband in their family run fundraising business at Great Lakes Promotions.
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