We aren’t simply looking for our children to follow in our footsteps, we want them to take the path beside us and go further than we could have ever dreamed possible.
We aren’t simply looking for our children to follow in our footsteps, we want them to take the path beside us and go further than we could have ever dreamed possible.
Successful parenting happens when both parents are on the same page. Building parenting philosophies takes time, research, and trial and error. These are some of the tips and tricks we have learned over the years while developing our parenting philosophies.
One of the hallmarks of childhood is the freedom to explore and experience nature without constant supervision. Children learn so much when they are out exploring, building, creating, imagining, and wondering. With five young children, we try to do that as much as possible in our fenced in backyard.
author of Embracing Motherhood! I am a stay at home mother of 5 with 7 years of teaching experience and a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. I am passionate about teaching my children, feeding them healthy food, learning the truth about things (not just what is popular opinion or counter culture), and sharing what I’ve learned and experienced with others. Thanks for stopping by!
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